
Parser is a small plugin intended for get new content from sposnor sites and remove obsoltte content. So you do not need daily check and add new content using import.

There are two types of parsers:

  • Mighty - intended for scan web page like RSS or dump. To create mighty parser click 'Create new parser' in parsers menu.
  • Standart - this type intended for specific site. This parser usful for site without RSS or dump. This parsers not included in standart distributive. If you want to buy standart parsers (e.g., email to support. In case we have no parser required we can create it.

Dates in URLS

Some sponsors have no dump of last galleries but have dump for date range. In this case url of dump looks like this:

So date range hadrcoded in URL. If you add this URL to parser you can not get updates. We must change date range every parser start to get updates. To do this use next expression:

##date(d:m:Y)-48## will be replaced with current date minus 48 hours. Notes: